Bridge the skill gaps identified at EU and national levels for micro, small and medium businesses on cybersecurity
Cyber-MSME (Cybersecurity for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises) brings together six Partners from five countries (Belgium, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain)
Mapping Cyber-Threats for micro-enterprises and SMEs Defining threats, risks, solutions, skills related to cybersecurity apllied at the MSME level.
Innovative training resources, courses and materials for MSMEs to empower their staff with skills and competences on cybersecurity
Words and expressions related to cyber security that are included in the training content provided by Cyber MSME.
News, announcements and events related to online security. And updates on the project's development.
EUROPOL reports that “58% of victims are small businesses”. Despite this high vulnerability, only 14% of Micro/Small & Medium Enterprises are prepared to tackle cyber threats “State of Cybersecurity in Small & Medium Size Businesses” Keeper, 2018).
Another industry report (“SME Cyberthreat Study”, Keeper, 2019) confirms that MSMEs are neither aware of cyber-risks nor ready: 66% of senior decision-makers at small businesses believe they are unlikely to be a target of online criminals. Similarly, 60% MSMEs have no digital defence plan whatsoever.
The Cyber MSME project is designed to help build awareness about threats in cyberspace and how to protect yourself from the risks. Greater knowledge of threats means better protection of systems and data.