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CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research is an independent, non-profit research institute founded on the idea that research-based policy-making is vital for the economic welfare of societies. Established in Warsaw in 1991, CASE today is recognized as the top think tank in Central and Eastern Europe and is one of the most highly regarded think tanks internationally. CASE carries out policy-oriented research and development assistance projects, specializing in the areas of: 1) Fiscal, monetary and financial policies 2) Sustainable development policies 3) Trade, innovation and productivity policies. Drawing on an experienced in-house staff, a network of fellows, and a database of approximately 1,000 experts, CASE provides rigorous quantitative and qualitative analyses, innovative methodologies, and sound recommendations.

CASE expert team combines a diverse knowledge of professional and qualitative research techniques and proficiency in data analysis and interpretation. CASE has conducted numerous studies and economic analysis in various research areas, widely using various state-of-the-art economic models, modern empirical methods, econometric analysis tools, and providing both academic research in the form of reports (methodological, technical, analytical) and policy recommendations structured along the relevant research questions (in the form of policy oriented working papers, policy e-briefs, publications). Broad experience of CASE experts in provision of reports and policy recommendations guarantees precise analytical thinking, broad viewpoint on the research concept and research deliverables of the highest quality.

Our Europe — CASE Strategy for the biennium 2019-2020. The mission Our Europe means promoting the understanding of the value (but also the limits) of an economically and institutionally-integrated Europe, and, in particular, the membership of Poland and other CEECs in the EU, and providing high quality evidence and advice in support of better future EU policy making. The debate on the future of the EU gets increasingly political and evidence is often either not provided or swept under the carpet. The CASE mission statement builds on working closely with European stakeholders and providing evidence on European policy issues, and it connects these activities to our local mission of promoting good economic policy in Poland and the CEECs.

Website: http://case-research.eu/en


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Sprijinul Comisiei Europene pentru producerea acestei publicații nu constituie o aprobare a conținutului, acesta reflectând doar opiniile autorilor, iar Comisia nu poate fi trasă la răspundere pentru folosirea informației incluse.
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