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Gentlab este o companie de dezvoltare software care oferă experiențe software personalizate de peste 10 ani. În contextul în care tehnologia evoluează la un ritm exponențial, Gentlab oferă ...

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CTS Customized Training Solutions

CTS Customized Training Solutions

CTS Customized Training Solutions Since the beginning of the 90s, CTS has been organizing, managing and delivering high-quality specialized training in the field of information technology. CTS ...

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CASE – Center for Social and Economic Research is an independent, non-profit research institute founded on the idea that research-based policy-making is vital for the economic welfare of societies. ...

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Internet Web Solutions

Internet Web Solutions

Internet Web Solutions is a leading provider of information technology (IT) and engineering services based in Málaga. Its business plan has received the finalist award from the City of Madrid ...

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IDP, with branch offices in Italy and in Brussels, was established in 1996 by partners working since 1991 in Brussels in the frame of EU policies and EU funding programmes. It relies on more ...

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IHF, Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl, is a non profit organisation established in Brussels (Belgium) in 2003. The principal aim of IHF is to provide the community ...

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